School of 研究生 and Professional Studies

医疗 and Regulatory Writing Certificate

Why pursue a 医疗 and Regulatory Writing Certificate at North Central?

The 中北书院 医疗 and Regulatory Writing Certificate provides students with the medical knowledge, 临床推理, technical skills and professional behaviors to become competent, evidence-based medical writers and communicators. 研究生s of the program are committed to the advancement of health literacy through the scholarship of dissemination and achievement of personal writing goals.


  • Prepare students with the foundational knowledge, skills and behaviors to function as a medical and regulatory writer.
  • Cultivate the critical thinking and problem-solving skills needed to formulate arguments, 分析和显示数据.
  • Develop interpersonal communication and professional behaviors needed to support logic driven, 协同工作.
  • 提供指导, apprenticeships and networking opportunities to support individual professional goals.


Following the completion of the 医疗 and Regulatory Writing Certificate, 学生将能够:

  • 应用 knowledge of medical and regulatory writing standards to the copy editing, 分析, and creation of documents consistent with the target audience.
  • Craft medical and regulatory writing documents using 临床推理 and problem-solving skills to determine consistency with scientific process, 循证医学, regulatory bodies and target audience.
  • 组装, 集成, and prepare graphics using common technology platforms in order to represent scientific and regulatory data, with visualizations specific to logical argument and target audiences.
  • Collaborate effectively with professional teams using the interpersonal skills and professional behaviors expected of the medical and regulatory writing community.

医疗 and Regulatory Writing Certificate 课程

The 医疗 and Regulatory Writing Certificate program is eight courses (15 credit hours):

  • 七门核心课程
  • Ability to customize elective course by selecting one of five options
  • 100% online and asynchronous with scheduled weekly meeting times with faculty
课程 学分
医学写作基础1 2
医学写作基础2 2
医学与健康写作基金 2
公众医学写作 2
认可及规管文书 2
医疗 Writing Capstone Apprenticeship 2
Grammar and Style in 医疗 Writing and Copyediting 2
课程 学分
自由医学写作 1
Writing for Continuing 医疗 Education 1
为行业写作 1
Writing for Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology 1
基于叙事的医学写作 1


中北书院 will provide apprenticeship experiences with medical and regulatory writers both internal and external to campus during the capstone seminar. 教师 will provide oversight of student learning during this apprenticeship.

学生 can choose from 4 different apprenticeships:

  • 医学和科学写作 学生 will work collaboratively to prepare a scholarly journal article for publication.
  • 评审文书- 学生 will work collaboratively to prepare a regulatory/accreditation manuscript.
  • 立法和拨款写作- 学生 will work collaboratively to prepare a publishable grant or legislative policy.
  • 公众医学写作 学生 will work collaboratively to prepare a 医疗 Education deliverable (CME, 海报/平台演示, 社交媒体).




1. 启动应用程序

A username and password will be generated and sent to the email you provide. 你将有30天的时间来完成 在线申请. Separately from the application, you will need to submit additional items depending on your program. In order to submit the 在线申请, you will be required to upload the following:

  • 目的陈述书 讨论的是长期目标, 对所选学科的兴趣, and the reason(s) for applying to this program.
  • 当前的 重新开始 that includes educational and employment history, 大学课外活动, 社区活动, 荣誉和领导角色, 业余爱好和非学术兴趣.

2. 提交官方成绩单

官方成绩单 from all undergraduate and graduate institutions showing an earned bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college or university. 官方成绩单 must be submitted directly to the School of 研究生 and Professional Studies. 官方成绩单 can be sent by mail or electronically.   

  • We give careful consideration to all credentials in an application. 最低平均绩点为2.5对4.0 scale during the last 60 credit hours of coursework is required. 
  • 官方成绩单 must be submitted directly to the School of 研究生 and Professional Studies. 官方成绩单 can be sent by mail or electronically from verified services. 

Submit all of the above to grad@noctrl.Edu或邮寄至:

School of 研究生 and Professional Studies

30 N.布雷纳德圣.
